Loggoff Manager displays a report to the caller at log-off. This report contains information about the number of times the caller has called your system, number of minutes on, number of uploads, number of downloads, and number of e-mail and public messages posted. Loggoff Manager displays the date of the caller's first and last call to your BBS.
A special message is displayed at the end of the report which reflects the contribution that the caller has, or has not made to your BBS. The text of this message is configurable by the SysOp.
Killer/Keeper also asks first-time callers to your BBS whether they will be calling back and deletes their user record if they respond ‘No”.
This version is a demo. It is fully functional for one week. Please see below for registering Loggof Manager.
Feature List
1] Loggoff Manager offers four different report formats — (wide, long, short, and monthly -- the ‘monthly’ format is especially designed to be used with the FileControl’r option in User Manager, part of the Manager Series).
2] The report is automatically displayed at log-off.
3] Remote operation. Loggoff Manager is configurable either logged on locally or by calling in from remote.
4] Displays a “New Caller” file to first-time callers. New callers who choose not to call back will have their user records deleted by Loggoff Manager. This feature is helpful in keeping the size of your Hermes Shared file to a minimum.
Installing it.
Loggoff Manager consists of a user and sysop external. Put Loggoff Manager and the "Loggoff Manager Files" folder in your Externals folder and restart Hermes.
Setting it up.
All customizing of Loggoff Manager (except for registering it and setting the user access) is done from the user external. Log on as User #1 and select Loggoff Manager from the Externals List.
Choose “A> Report format”
Choose the format you wish.
Choose “B> Contributor message”
Contains the message you want to be displayed to those callers whose uploads are greater than their downloads--the Contributors.
NOTE: The length can be up to 78 characters.
Choose “C> Leech message”
Contains the message you want to be displayed to those callers whose downloads are greater than their uploads--the Leeches.
NOTE: The length can be up to 78 characters.
Choose “D> Register (Set BBS Name)”
Enter the name of your BBS at the first prompt. This will be displayed at the end of the usage report and in the “About Loggoff Manager” display. After entering your BBS name you will be asked for your registration number. Enter that number exactly as it appears on your registration notice.
NOTE: The length of your BBS name can be up to 30 characters.
Choose “E> [PAUSE] before report”
This will toggle on/off a [pause on screen] before the display of the Loggoff Manager report.
Choose “F> New Caller Keeper/Killer”
This toggles on/off the display of the prompt and New Caller file to first-time callers.
NOTE: All Bulletins are listed to the caller as either ANSI or TEXT, based upon their settings. YOU MUST append “.ansi” to the end of the ANSI version, but it is not necessary to append anything to the TEXT version. (This is different than in previous version of Loggoff Manager).
That’s all there is to setting up Loggoff Manager! I recommend changing the Contributor and Leech messages every week or so. This will help “personalize” your BBS to your callers.
Running it.
Nothing special is required to run Loggoff Manager in automatic mode. Each time a user logs off they will be presented with their daily and running statistics. When a user logs off on their first call they will have the option to save their account. If they choose ‘no’ then their account will be deleted and that user number will be reused by the next new caller.
The plea.
Loggoff Manager is SHAREWARE. I think this is a really useful product. I am more than willing to support it but new versions are of course dependent on interest and interest is dependent on feedback and the best feedback is registration. I have written a few shareware applications and it is getting discouraging, not to mention financially hard, to justify all the time. If you use it please register your copy. I feel that shareware has fallen into the same trap as the commercial system it is supposed to be an alternative to. Authors ask for such large fees because so few people actually send them in. This in turn causes fewer people to send them in, which makes authors feel they need to ask for more, which…you get the picture. I have intentionally made the price so reasonable you don't have any excuse not to pay the shareware fee. If you don't think the external is worth $10 then DON'T USE IT.
Registration info
To register send $10, *and* the registration form below (the form does make things easier) to Chris Owen, PO Box 1471, Garden City, KS 67846 (before August 1994 you can send it to me at 27 Bishop St #2R, New Haven CT 06511 for much faster registration).
Loggoff Manager is part of a larger 'pack' of externals. Please see the enclosed doc for details on how to register all of them at a much reduced price.
Support for all Manager Series Extensions can be found on Mulligan's Valley (203) 772-4485. Any problems should be reported to me there. I can also be reached on Olympus but you are much better served by contacting my on the support BBS or by mail at owen-christopher@yale.edu.
Chris Owen (#681, I think)
owen-christopher@yale.edu <-- I prefer this address
Mulligan's Valley ("official" support board) 203-772-4485 (2400)